Behavioral Consultation

Behavioral Consultation
Behavioral consultation for adults in waiver programs involves providing specialized support and guidance to address behavioral challenges and promote positive behaviors in individuals with developmental disabilities or other conditions. Adults and youth that are a recipient of a home and community-based waiver are often eligible for behavior consultation services.

Behavioral Services
Behavioral consultation for adults and youth in waiver programs aims to improve their behavioral, emotional, and social well-being, enabling them to lead fulfilling lives within their communities. It provides practical strategies for addressing challenging behaviors and fostering positive growth and development. Here’s what behavioral consultation in waiver programs may include:
- Assessment and Functional Analysis
- Individualized Behavior Support Plans (BSPs)
- Positive Behavior Strategies
- Skill Development
- Crisis Prevention and Management
- Training for Caregivers and Support Staff
- Data Collection and Analysis
- Collaboration with Interdisciplinary Teams
- Community Integration
- Functional Communication
- Person-Centered Planning
- Progress Monitoring and Adjustment
- Advocacy and Empowerment

Waiver Programs
A waiver program is a government-funded program that provides services and support to individuals who require long-term care in their homes or communities instead of institutional settings. Behavioral consultation is a crucial component of these programs to enhance the individual’s quality of life and facilitate their integration into the community.
Each state has different waiver programs and eligibility requirements. Check out our locations to see if your home and community-based waiver (HCB) is listed.